
News update June 2023

This post provides the latest company news update. It would be fair to keep our former clients, followers, and anybody…

This post provides the latest company news update. It would be fair to keep our former clients, followers, and anybody interested in the company with our latest updates, like new publications, meetings we are represented at, new developments in our business, new achievements, etc. SARomics Biostructures is a rapidly developing and growing company, and we are happy to share our success with others. Success is contiguous, and we hope that our success will have that effect on everybody interested in our business! 
We are moving into new facilities: We have been expanding for the last few years, taking on many new customers, and our original labs are becoming too crowded. At the same time, finding new labs and offices at Medicon Village is impossible. Of course, this is a positive sign, but growth companies need more space. We are happy that Medicon Village started the construction of a new lab building, which will be available in the spring of 2024.

We look forward to having all our offices, protein purification and crystallization labs, etc., in one place! Of course, this will also positively affect our business and make it more efficient. Currently, time is needed to move between floors and even between buildings to reach instrumentation and offices.
Our work is being recognized: X-ray crystal structures determined by the SARomics team were recently published! The work on neutralizing antibodies targeting the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 was performed in collaboration with Chulalongkorn University in Thailand. You can read more here. This publication is only one of several recent publications in which we contributed X-ray crystallographic structures of antibodies and antibody-antigene complexes.

Lund Spring Symposium: The inaugural Lund Spring Symposium program featured talks from several high-profile international and local researchers, including the Nobel Prize winner Brian Kabilka. State-of-the-art research centered around molecular therapeutics, from basic research to clinical applications, was presented. On May 26, Björn Walse, SARomics Biostructures’ CEO, presented his insights on how structural biology impacts the pharmaceutical and biotech industry. The SARomics team also presented several posters at the poster session.

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