SARomics Biostructures

Outstanding services and competitive prices!

We complete over 100 structural biology and early-stage drug discovery projects annually, have solved thousands of protein structures, and submitted more than 500 disclosable structures to the PDB. We have also contributed to numerous papers in leading journals.

Service model

Our services are provided on a fee-for-service basis, with a payment schedule based on specific project milestones. This includes an initial startup fee and subsequent payments tied to project progress. We may also consider full-time equivalent (FTE) based payments upon agreement with the customer. Throughout the project, we maintain open communication with our clients, provide regular reports, and address deviations from the original timelines. The costs for X-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy, and drug discovery services depend on the specific requirements of each project. Therefore, standard prices cannot be defined in advance in most cases, as each project is unique. A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) will be signed before discussing a project. A detailed service quotation, including timelines and costs, will be provided after project discussions.
Why choose SARomics Biostructures?
  • You can expect prompt responses to your inquiries and realistic project timelines.
  • Your project will be managed by a company with a strong brand identity and a robust technology platform, utilizing various experimental methods.
  • You will have access to a unique proprietary method for compound screening.
  • Highly experienced and service-minded professionals will assist you.
  • We guarantee high-quality services and a high level of customer satisfaction.

See also our blog post on what makes a successful biotech services company.

Please visit our publications page for examples of projects we have worked on.

contact SARomics Biostructures to discuss your structural biology project
MAX IV Laboratory in Lund, home to the BioMax beamline, is one of the world’s best synchrotron radiation facilities, located just a few kilometers from our labs at Medicon Village.
Please refer to the document below for important details on sample preparation and instructions for sending it to SARomics Biostructures.

Please use the form below to contact us for project discussions. Please review our privacy policy for information about how we protect your data. You can download the PDF document above if you have any questions about submitting samples and our sample handling procedures.

Privacy Policy

At SARomics Biostructures, we are committed to respecting and protecting your right to privacy. The treatment of personally identifiable information that we collect when you send the contact form using our website or when you use our services strictly follows our privacy policy:

1. We will make every effort to keep all the information you provide in absolute privacy.

2. We will NEVER sell or rent your name, email, telephone number, or other personal information to any third party.

3. Only authorized employees may access your information.

4. All employees are required to adhere to our strict privacy policies.

Find us

SARomics Biostructures AB
Medicon Village
SE-223 81 Lund

SARomics Biostructures AB
Medicon Village
Scheeletorget 1
SE-223 63 Lund


SARomics Biostructures AB
Medicon Village
Scheelevägen 8
Port 402
SE-223 63 Lund

VAT No: SE556688415001
Reg. No: 556688-4150


United States contact
245 First Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Japanese distributor
Carna Biosciences Inc.
1-5-5 Minatojima- Minamimachi Chuo-ku
Kobe, Japan
Tel: +81 78 302 7091